Sunday, February 27, 2011

Talking Points 5, Wesch -- Hyperlinks

I really liked reading Wesch's article , "From Knowledgeable to Knowledge-able." I found some of his points really interesting and I agree with a lot of what he was proposing in this article. After reading this article I went right on youtube and began searching for some of the related topics mentioned in this particular article. Personally, I think that technology of course had its pros and cons but because I grew up in a time where computers, cells phones and ipods were becoming really popular and used a lot. I think that is why I think technology should be used in the classroom. I do not think that professor should be able to tell a student if they can or can not use their laptops during class.
Honestly, who wants to sit in a 2 hr class where the professor just lectures for two hours straight?! I know that I can NOT stand that. I like classes where technology is used, students can use their laptops and so on. The article also talks about how students who use laptops in class are social networking, or shopping online, and sometimes I'd agree but as a student especially in college they know right from wrong and if thats what they want to do during their class time so be it, it's essentially their money or parents money being wasted. There is a difference between checking your FB for 2 minutes and staying on your FB page for 2 hours of class. I do feel like some professors, usually the older ones do seem to shy away from using technology in their teaching methods, but I think they should try to incorporate it some way or another. In this day we should all try to be familiar with the basics. I know at work with my pre-school students I try to use technology in small amounts so that they can be exposed to it, then again the children use blocks and toys shaped like rectangles or something they pretend to be text messaging or talking on it, and that absolutely kills me but thats a whole other issue in itself.
This article also made me think about when you do go into a new classroom that you have never been in before, and if you do not see a TV or a computer your kind of thinking to yourself like....seriously? No TV or computer? Or if there is a TV with a VCR attached to it, your like pshttt no DVD player here?! What if you walk into a computer lab at school and you see 10 flat screen computers that are all taken and 3 dinosaur age looking computers, I'm sure you'd be a little ticked off having to use the older one. I know I would! I am sure that the new media environment for teachers is very disruptive, but instead of wasting their breath on it, they should understand that the technology isn't going anywhere and they should probably swallow their pride get over it, and say hey since it's not going anywhere I might as well get involved with it myself. It also makes me think like, when was the last time you received a syllabus for a class and it DIDNT mention anything about cellphone usage or laptops? hmm.
I liked when Wesch mentions students not wanting to pay attention because they know that the information being taught in class can easily be found online somewhere. That is very true I must admit that I think that way sometimes myself. When was the last time you went to the library to search for a book to help you with research? Or maybe it's much easier to just open your laptop and browse on Google instead.

^ lady is a drag but good info haha


Diana Lee said...

I agree it is much easier to "google" something then do research or listen to the teacher. However, lets remember that anyone can put information up on Google and unless you know where it is coming from, it is very difficult to be sure it is accurate. Everything is at our finger tips these days and although it has definitely done a lot of good, I believe it is really done some harm also. Our attention spans are gone, unless of course there is some digital technology to look at, our intereaction with poeple is harming our communication skills, and we have no patience when we have to wait more then 2 seconds for a page to load. It is too much , but it is what it is.

Mary said...

I agree that sitting in a 2-3 hour lecture class is way beyond what most people can incorporate and tolerate and teachers and professors should be duly aware of this fact that any presenter losses their audience after about 20 minutes. That is why I think it is on the shoulder of the educator to make the class interesting using technology and class participation. Brainstorming in elementary school increases critical thinking and kids are done a great disservice today if technology of some form is not used. Not to mention the lost opportunity to really educate! Mary

Amanda said...

I agree with what you said about the amount of technology in the classroom. It is interesting to go into a room and not see any form of almost makes you prepare for a boring lecture for 2 hours. A projector or computer are almost standard in classrooms now and it is bizarre to see a room without one. I think RIC is a good example of classrooms with different levels of technology. You have buildings like Alger that are fully equipped and ones like Gaige that have rooms with nothing.

Lesley said...

You point about checking FB for 2 minutes in class being different from sitting on FB for the full two hours is a really important one. Some teachers can't tolerate either option, but is it possible to be focused and attentive AND check FB? I think Wesch would say yes. What do you think?