Sunday, February 27, 2011
Talking Points 5, Wesch -- Hyperlinks
Posted by taylorb6 at 12:10 PM 4 comments
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Raby, "A Tangle of Discourses" Post 4
essentialized period of disruptive change was echoed by some of my respon-
dents, particularl y in terms of rebellion, it was conspicuous how few respondents
discussed this conceptualization of adolescence in terms of biology. The topic
only arose when prompted, suggesting that it may be just too obvious, for some
it may be an area of discomfort, it is less central than many might think, and/or
these hormonal changes are as constructed as adolescence itself. In follow-up
interviews, I asked why it might be that people had not commented on bodily
or hormonal changes in earlier interviews. Rita and Elizabet h both suggested
that perhaps people feel that this area is private. Jazz and Angela both said that
bodily and/or hormonal changes were not that important to their experiences of
adolescence and those experiences of their friends"
Raby throughout this piece references Steinberg works, I agree with Raby and think that this evidence is quit telling. No one ever wants to talk about biological changes in teens, although I think they are quit obvious and that maybe why they are not mentioned as much? When she quotes the two teen ages girls about this topic they both said how they did not understand what people meant when then mentioned changes, or hormones, until after they had experienced it for themselves. We know as adults that teens are going through changes, but no teen wants to admit that they are changing, I don't think teens ever want to admit anything that may make them feel uncomfortable. I live in a very open family and rebellious acts, and bodily changes were always talked about and mentioned to everyone. God forbid one of my cousins or my sisters got their periods, everyone in the family knew about it a day later, nothing was really private in my family.
pg 433
"Less prominent in the more sensationalistic media, but nonetheless present in
much literature on teens is the concept of teenager s as ‘becoming’, usually
discussed in terms of self-discovery and/or identity formation. As Vienna
they assume that all teenagers rebel just because this is the age when
we start to become our own person. Like 12, 13 you really start thinking
about things for yourself and not necessarily doing everything that
your parent s do, you know? Becoming more independent … To Lesko
(1996b) , youth are perceived always in terms of what they are becom-
ing, rather than what they are being: they are potential, not yet fully
formed. "
What this quote means to me is that when it comes to teenagers a lot of what they are depends on a continuous assumption of how they are supposed to be or what they must be like because of the age group the fall into. When I was a teenager I was not allowed to go anywhere or do anything unless my mom new the parents of the other child and she would drop me off places and wait for me outside, I lived in a very strict household, I think it all depends on what the teenager is allowed to do that will essentially determine their outcome. Not EVERY teenager is rebellious and does bad things, but that is what most people assume. The good things teenagers might do isn't shown on the news, but the spray painted city walls are. What friends of the teenagers do and say is very important, and I don't think much of anything else matters. It depends on who they get involved with and become friends with. The city I live in has many sterotypes, and all the public schools are bad, and the education stinks, but i always succeeded and did well and it was because of the group of friends as a teen that I got myself friendly with.
pg 435
"Risk was a prominent pre-occupation for my respondents, particularly among
grandmothers. Jan was concerned that there is more stress and pressure on teens
today than there was in the past. Sandy said there are more hazards and
challenges , particularly with the inuences of drugs. Anne believes that teens
today have more responsibility becaus e they have to think more about their
futures, are less innocent, and are more exposed to the problems of the world.
Among the granddaughters, both Rita and Allanah said that there is more
violence for teenagers to deal with today than in the past. Such risks are also
gendered, with girl s particularly at risk of pregnancy or assault , and boys more
likely to get in trouble for things like drug offenses."
Posted by taylorb6 at 3:59 PM 2 comments
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Christensen, " Unpacking the Myths that Bind Us." Post 3
nizes their minds and teaches them how to act, live, and dream." I believe in this same idea as well because everyday I work with 5 yr olds and they get so into a character form a show or movie that they look up to. For example I have one student who is constantly talking, acting and thinking about ironman. He gets so into character that he seems to forget that he is in school. More than once a day I have to remind him that he is, ( and I tell him his name) right now and not iron man. He makes sound effects and body motions as if he was ironman himself. More over I also can relate to Christensen when she mentions in her article about Beverly Tatum, who wrote the book, " Why are all the Black Kids Sitting Together in the Cafeteria?" And that particular part caught my eye because I always seem to notice, and or pay attention to things like that, and I have actually noticed that before. And I am sure it must be true for all ethnicities.
After reading this article, I couldn't help but to go to youtube and watch some Disney movie clips that represent these so called sexual oriented hidden secrets within the Disney movies, I don't know how to take the whole thing. I think it is weird, but at times it could be believable. More over the always popular Disney princesses, all my little 5 yr old girl students LOVE the Disney princesses, they all wear the clothes have the dolls, blankets, bedding sheets, the dance around and think its the best thing ever, but little do these little innocent girls realize is that they're being set up to think that they have to look a certain way. The princesses are always skinny, usually white and have curvy body frames. I also read somewhere that the newer of the Disney Princesses from the movie, " The princess and the Frog," she is a black princess, where that brought up plenty of talk, then the issue that her prince was white, and how a black prince wasn't good enough.
Posted by taylorb6 at 10:24 PM 2 comments
Monday, February 7, 2011
Grinner Hip Hop Sees no Color Talking Points #2
When reading Grinner’s article “ Hip Hop Has no Color,” Grinner uses the SCWAMP model Straight, Christian, White, Able-bodied, Male and Property Holding . It’s as if I almost knew where the article was going without even getting through the first couple of pages. As soon as she mentioned Save the Last Dance, I figured that Grinner was going to pick apart each and every detail of the film. Grinner is able to open your eyes and allow the reader to realize things that maybe they hadn’t noticed while watching the movie previously.
After reading the article I know if I was to re-watch the movie and pay attention to Grinners specific ideals of ideology in this movie it would be as if I was watching the movie for the first time, not just watching the movie for the entertainment aspect of it but more so for the true meaning behind it. I feel as though all movies based upon teenage, high school students all for the most part have the same plot, with a few twists along the way that make it different from the last one. It is as if you can tell what is going to happen in the movie without even watching it, or the whole thing. I found that Grinner’s observations were legitimate , but I feel like the person watching the film, depending of their cultural back-rounds will all have a different affect on them. I feel like what it comes down to is that everything through media is so stereotypical and self explanatory,you already know what to expect. Its all for money, and ratings.
I personally am not into movies that much I don’t ever go out of my way to watch a movie, so that is why is it hard for me to come up with movies that represent these ideal ideologies of Grinner, but I am mostly familiar with reality television. I am very familiar with MTV, I know from watching Teen Mom that the majority of the girls on that show are indeed white, and for the most part they are representing a stereotype that white people are typically not represented in through media. I don’t think media will ever change.
Posted by taylorb6 at 6:19 PM 0 comments